適合初學者,幼犬及從未玩過/或鼻子扁的狗狗。 如果您不確定狗狗是否喜歡智力遊戲,這是一個好的開始。 也可以用作狗狗的慢食餐具。
您是否知道僅僅 15 分鐘的腦力遊戲相對30分鐘的取物遊戲會讓您的狗狗更加疲倦嗎? Nina Ottosson 寵物拼圖遊戲通過激活狗狗鼻子嗅覺的自然本能,幫助減少狗狗的無聊和不良行為。 正如創始人Nina所說一隻狗有四隻腳和一個頭,五樣都需要鍛煉,但方式不同。 這些具有挑戰性和有益的豐富活動將吸引啟發您狗狗的思想和自然本能。
Did you know that just 15 minutes of brain games will tire your dog out more than a 30 minute game of fetch? Nina Ottosson dog puzzles help reduce boredom and undesired behaviors by activating their natural instincts through nosework. As Nina says—a dog has four legs and one head, and all five need exercise but in different ways. These challenging and rewarding enrichment activities will engage your dog’s mind and natural instincts.