- Adrenalinum 7C: isopathy, adrenal gland balance.
- Arsenicum album 30C: excessive thirst, digestive upset including nausea, vomiting, sudden gastric pain (gastralgia) and dyspepsia, skin problems including itching, burning, dry, rough, scaly skin.
- Berberis vulgaris 3X: urinary disturbances, nausea and heartburn, hepatic drainage remedy.
- Chelidonium majus 2X: acts mainly upon the whole digestive tract, including nausea and vomiting, jaundice skin due to hepatic and gall bladder obstruction, elective on the liver.
- Hepar sulphuris calcareum 30C: discomfort in liver region, distended abdomen. Unhealthy skin.
- Mercurius solubilis 30C: weak memory and loss of will power, vertigo, putrid belching (eructations), intense thirst, enlarged liver sore to touch, jaundice, digestive issues including entercolitis and stomatitis, gingivitis.
- Pituitarum posterium 8C: isopathy.
- Sulphur 30C: putrid belching (eructations), loss or excessive appetite, abdomen very sensitive to pressure, pain and soreness over liver, frequent urination (mictruration) and bed-wetting/uncontrolled urination (enuresis), skin problems including all kinds of eruptions, dry scaly unhealthy skin, itching (pruritis) and burning, skin problems feel worse scratching and washing, hepatic insufficiency.
- Taraxacum officinale 2X: gastric headaches, bilious attacks and jaundice skin.
- Inactive Ingredients: USP grain alcohol (20% by volume), purified water
For all pets: 0.50 mL 3-5 times daily.
For acute symptoms, administer every 30 minutes as needed or until symptoms subside, or up to 48 hours.
Note: For additional support, Cushex Drops-M can be used concurrently with Cushex Drops-S™, our herbal supplement for adrenal and pituitary gland balance in dogs.Cushex Drops-M is a homeopathic remedy and is safe for animals of all ages. There are no known drug interactions.
Caution: If pet is pregnant or nursing, ask a health professional before use. If symptoms persist or worsen, consult a health care professional. Keep this and all medicines from the reach of children.