upports the pancreas in its creation of enzymes needed during the digestive process
The pancreas performs two important functions in the body: producing digestive juices and enzymes, hormones that help digest fats and proteins to produce insulin, plus various other hormones, pancreatic boosters help:
- Supports the health of the pancreas
- Maintains normal digestive functioning
- Supports balance of naturally occurring digestive enzymes used during digestion
- Supports healthy insulin production
Pancreas Booster is a 100% herbal formula and contains the following ingredients in therapeutic dosage:
- Bromelain
- Papain
- Imported Gymnema Leaf (Gymnema Sylvestre)
- Certified Organic Goats Rue Herb (Galega officinalis)
- Certified Organic Fennel Seed (Foeniculum vulgare)
- Vegetable Cellulose (inactive ingredient)