寵物用品 寵物用品速遞 至抵寵物用品 盡在PetChillHK HK Pet Shop
首頁 > 貓犬用 > 貓零食狗零食 > 汪喵星球 > 汪喵星球 dogcatstar 冷凍乾燥原肉小零嘴 海味 府城火燒蝦 20g (貓犬用) (SN548)
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汪喵星球 dogcatstar 冷凍乾燥原肉小零嘴 海味 府城火燒蝦 20g (貓犬用) (SN548)

• Just one ingredient – pure human grade meat
• NO preservatives and artificial flavor
• Freeze drying is a water removal process that involves freezing the product, lowering pressure, then removing the ice, preserving nutrients in these treats.