Certified Organic Dandelion Root, Certified Organic Dandelion Leaf, Certified Organic Nettle Leaf, and Wild crafted Red Root.
- Certified Organic Nettle Leaf (Urtica urens) is excellent for natural cleansing, providing soothing support.
- Certified Organic Dandelion Root (Taraxacum officinale) is a well-known and effective herbal cleanser found all over the world. This herb will also act as an excellent skin cleanser and helps to release toxins.
- Certified Organic Dandelion Leaf
- Wild crafted Red Root
- Deionized Water (inactive ingredient)
- Grain Alcohol (20% by volume) (inactive ingredient)
Add 5-10 drops to 1/4 cup of warm water. Soak clean cotton swab in this solution and apply gentle pressure as a hot compress directly over the anal opening.
Maintenance dose: Repeat once or twice a week.